B-BBEE and Employment Equity


Tasks that Koekemoer and Associates Consulting will undertake to ensure a successful B-BBEE audit:

Managing the independent verification of the client by the verification agency as contemplated in the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, 2003 with specific reference to the Codes of Good Practice and relevant Sectoral Charters.

This will involve gathering information and documentation from the client for purposes of the audit, providing this information to the verification agency and liaising with the verification agency on behalf of the client.

Obtaining from the verification agency, retaining, and managing the audit documents relating to the ownership / equity, management control, employment equity and related reports and documentation, skills development, procurement, enterprise development, socio-economic programmes/ schemes/ donations and operations of the client

Obtaining from the verification agency the verification report based on the above audit and reviewing same with the client.

In conjunction with the client drawing up a twelve month BEE plan and making regular suggestions as to improvements that could be made and assisting with the implementation of said plan. All other documentations on all the other services is inclusive, i.e. EE plans and documentation, Skills Plans and reports to SETA, and so on.

Testing all plans and suggestions on a monthly basis against the verification agency database to ensure that progress made by the client will be verifiable on the next audit.

Koekemoer and Associates Consulting undertakes to treat all information it obtains or gains access to relating to the client or it’s business in the course of providing the services as confidential and shall not reveal any information to any third party without prior written consent of the client.

However, for the purposes of providing services to other clients, Koekemoer and Associates Consulting shall be entitled to use knowledge, experience and skills gained through performing the services, provided it keeps the client’s information confidential as agreed above.